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Zack McKevitt

Researcher at the University of Colorado Boulder

I am a recent MS Computer Science graduate from the University of Colorado Boulder where I worked under the supervision of Professor Tamara Lehman in the Computer Architecture research group. I am broadly interested in computer systems and applications of security and privacy.

I am currently employed as a researcher across two appointments:

During my MS, my research focus was on systematically identifying potential transient execution vulnerabilities in the gem5 simulator. The paper version of my thesis was presented at the International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT) 2023.

Before my MS, I also completed my BS in Computer Science at CU where my research was on using Recurrent Neural Networks for transient execution attack detection.


Thomas, S., Workneh, K., Ishimwe, A. T., McKevitt, Z., Curlin, P., Bahar, R. I., ... & Lehman, T. (2024). Baobab Merkle Tree for Efficient Secure Memory. IEEE Computer Architecture Letters.

McKevitt, Z., Trivedi, A., & Lehman, T. S. (2023, October). SpecCheck: A Tool for Systematic Identification of Vulnerable Transient Execution in gem5. In 2023 32nd International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT) (pp. 265-278). IEEE.